The secret to powerful speaking


Say what you mean, and mean what you say! – I know you’ve heard that statement before.

If you are a lover of old films, have you noticed, that’s that when great kings, merchants or elders made a pact it was always by words and oaths?

It got me thinking about the actual authority and internal health at our disposal when we say what we mean and mean what we say and what the real keys to authority and powerful speaking are.

Pause for just a moment…

If the President of the USA said the USA now declares war on another country what would happen?

If a line manager says to an employee “You are fired” what would happen?

A parent to a child “You will be punished tonight” what will happen?

On a lighter note, a girl says to a boy “I am helplessly in love with you, take me!” What would happen?

The statements above are words that will lead to life changes if they are believed and acted upon.

This type of authority, will change your world.

But there are certain things you must not do.

Do not lie; it weakens your personal authority. Once your words and actions do not line up, your authority is weakened in the eyes of your community. Your personal pride diminishes, and you become morally weak/sick.

Do not lie; it affects your personal and/or business brand value. This is one of the reasons why people doubt the value of your words, products or services.

My question is, is there any gain in not speaking the truth? For the person who loves to lie, they might answer immediate gain of some material wealth. But the true visionary knows you can acquire the same wealth with much higher self-esteem and truthful.

Telling lies seems like the norm of the day, but could that be the same reason why so much true respect has diminished?

What is a reputable brand? Reliability? Consumer confidence? Does it not all mean that this product or service will do exactly what is written on the pack? In other words, it means it is telling the truth.

Millions of pounds and dollars spent annually to position a product or service, just imagine if everyone already knew you would only deliver the truth, how much more easy would it be for you to deliver a great service to your target community.

The key to powerful speaking is telling the truth always.  The content of your heart and mind released through your lips is where the power is.  Don’t doubt the simplicity of this statement. It’s the all-powerful truth.  To action this

Allow me to ask you these Five questions:

  1. What do you as a person stand for in life?
  2. Are you where you want to be in life?
  3. Do you invest in your own lifelong learning? Especially around things that will make you a better leader and role model in whatever field you are interested in?
  4. Do you know how to distinguish between hard work and high productivity in business?
  5. Do you know how to commercialise your dreams and passion?

Has my post disrupted your thoughts in a positive way?  Please feel free to follow my posts and to Join me at our next business club meeting or webinar coming email to: for more information.

Sam Onigbanjo, FCIM

Author of 37 Business Thoughts |Executive Coach | Conveyor of Women4Africa


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Sam Onigbanjo, B.Sc (Hons) FCIM Email: Sam is the author of '37 Business Thoughts', and '98 Business Thieves' - business books that are currently buzzing in the Entrepreneur Circuit. He is one of the youngest Africans to become a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Marketing, he's an expert business communicator and coach and has successfully delivered multiple, million pound public sector contracts in the UK. With his wife, Tola, he is the Founder and Conveyor of the largest and most successful African Awards event in the UK. A strong public speaker and passionate advocate for Africa and African development.


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